Title Description
Project Title

COVID-19 Epidemic in West Africa (WA): infection dynamics and diagnostic approaches

(Acronym : COVADIS)

Identity of the Site Study Coordinator François KIEMDE, MSc, PhD

This is a prospective cohort study in which COVID-19 infected patients and their respective household contacts will be followed up at regular interval to monitor the kinetics of SARS-CoV-2 viral load and antibody titres. This study will also allow for the field validation of a COVID-19 Ag detection test and a multiplex serological assay.

This study is conducted simultaneously in 2 West Africa countries: Burkina Faso and Gambia.

Field of application Diagnostic trials

Primary objective:To describe current practices and assess the impact of a package of interventions including existing diagnostic tools and training and communication for care-givers and users on acute fever case management and antibiotic prescriptions for children and adolescents presenting at outpatient facilities in Burkina Faso.

Secondary objective:To assess the adherence to new practices by health care workers and patients/caregivers

Start Date July 2020
Probable End Date December 2021
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