Nanoro is a rural area located in the Centre-West of the country, at approximately 85 Km from the capital city, Ouagadougou. The HDSS area lies between longitudes 1°92537 and 2°3146 W and latitudes 12°57955 and 12°72863 N and covers 24 villages which represents a surface of 594.3 Km2 (~36% of the Nanoro Health District area). In this area, health care is provided by ten peripheral health facilities and one referral hospital.
The CRUN clinical laboratory provide quality laboratory tests that are significant for addressing medical and public health needs.
Nanaro site is in the Sudano–Sahelian climate which has two main seasons: a rainy season from June to October (average rainfall of 450-700 mm/year, average temperature >30ºC) followed by a dry season from November to May (the temperature may vary from 17ºC in December to a maximum of 43ºC in April).
The population under surveillance is about 66 500 residents (in 2021) with a majority of illiterate people. They are subsistence farmers, cattle-keepers and housewives. The main ethnic groups are Mossi, Gourounsi and Fulani.