2023 |
Journal Articles |
Adelaïde Compaore, Deborah Ekusai-Sebatta, David Kaawa-Mafigiri, Vida Kukula, Selase Odopey, James Kapisi, Heidi Hopkins, François Kiemde, Halidou Tinto, Rita Baiden, Piero Olliaro, Juvenal Nkeramahame, Sabine Dittrich, Philip Horgan Viewpoint: Antimicrobial Resistance Diagnostics Use Accelerator: Qualitative Research on Adherence to Prescriptions Journal Article In: Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, vol. 77, iss. Suppl 2, pp. S206-S210, 2023, ISSN: 1537-6591. Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: {Adélaïde Compaoré, Anti-Bacterial Agents* / therapeutic use, Author(firstnames='Adélaïde', Author(firstnames='Alexander', Author(firstnames='Asadu', Author(firstnames='Daniel', Author(firstnames='David', Author(firstnames='Deborah', Author(firstnames='Elizeus', Author(firstnames='François', Author(firstnames='Freddy Eric', Author(firstnames='Halidou', Author(firstnames='Heidi', Author(firstnames='James', Author(firstnames='Rita', Author(firstnames='Vida', Bacterial*, Clinical Trial, CollabAuthor(name='ADIP study group', Communication, Deborah Ekusai-Sebatta, Drug Resistance, Humans, MEDLINE, National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, NCBI, NIH, NLM, Non-U.S. Gov't, PMC10368411, Prescriptions, PubMed Abstract, Qualitative research, Research Support | Links: @article{Compaore2023, In this Viewpoint, the authors explore the determinants of patients' prescription adherence behaviors as part of FIND's Advancing Access to Diagnostic Innovation essential for Universal Health Coverage and AMR Prevention (ADIP) trials (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT04081051). Research findings from Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Uganda show that basic knowledge and understanding of prescription instructions are essential for adherence and can be improved through better communication. However, there are a range of other factors that influence adherence, some of which can be influenced through tailored communication messages from healthcare workers. These messages may contribute to changes in adherence behavior but may require other reinforcing interventions to be effective. Finally, there are some drivers of nonadherence centered around costs and time pressure that require other forms of intervention. |
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