Adélaïde Compaoré

Current Job Socio-Anthropologist
Personal Statement I am a qualitative researcher with a background in medical anthropology. My work focuses on a variety of health domains such as malaria, malaria
in pregnancy, antibiotics resistance and nutrition. My contributions in these domains were particularly focused on the application of qualitative
methods such as interviews, group discussion and observations. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to learning innovative data collection tools
and community engagement approach which allowed me to capture relevant and context- specific data which fit with the research interests at CRUN.
Broadly, I am currently engaged in diverse collaborative research projects such as:
– Ethnographic research on antibiotics resistance in rural communities
– Development of novel diagnostics for the management of febrile illnesses
– Implementation of novel antibiotic resistance surveillance for humans and livestock
– Mitigating climate changes on health in Burkina Faso
– Increasing the uptake of intermittent preventive treatment (IPTp) through seasonal malaria chemoprevention channel delivery
Education 1. PhD candidate in social and political sciences – Expected end year: 2024
2. Master in sociology of development
3. Bachelor in Sociology of development
Experiences I was involved, as a leader of the qualitative research activities imbedded in these following studies:
2018-2021: Leveraging improved nutrition preconception, during pregnancy and postpartum in Sub-Saharan Africa through novel intervention models, at the University of Southampton`Leveraging improved nutrition preconception, during pregnancy and postpartum in Sub-Saharan Africa through novel intervention models, at the University of Southampton`
2019-2022: Impact of improved diagnostic tools, practices and Training and Communication on acute fever case management and antibiotic prescriptions for children and adolescents presenting at outpatient facilities in Burkina Faso
2016-2018: A hospital antibiotic stewardship program in Burkina Faso: studying implementation, effectiveness, and costs
2017-2018: Phase IV study to assess the clinical safety and effectiveness after the introduction of a fixed dose of Artemisinin Pyramax® (Pyronaridine-Artesunate) combination therapy in the health district of Nanoro, Burkina Faso
2015-2016:Community-based scheduled screening and treatment of malaria in pregnancy for improved maternal and infant health: a cluster-randomized trial (COSMIC)”
2011-2014:Malaria risk prior to and during early pregnancy in nulliparous women receiving long term weekly iron and folic acid supplementation (WIFS): A non-inferiority randomized controlled trial (WCT01210040)
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