Halidou Tinto
Current Job | Regional Director |
Personal Statement | I am a pharmacist by background and holder a PhD in medical science from the University of Antwerp (Belgium). As the head of the Clinical Research Unit of Nanoro (CRUN), I conducted in collaboration with several academic institutions and pharmaceuticals companies several phase 2, 3 and 4 clinical trials at ICH/GCP standards including the GSK phase 3 malaria vaccine trial (RTS,S) and the most recent phase 2 R21 malaria vaccine candidate trial. At academic level, I have been appointed since 2016 as professor associated at the faculty of Medicine of the Nazi Boni University of Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso where I teach the module of clinical trials in the Master Program. Apart from my research and training work, I have been member of several professional bodies (DSMB, steering committees, etc). I have the skills for project development, implementation and management. Finally, as member of several networks (Malaria in Pregnancy consortium, Malactres consortium, Indepth Network, Malaria Clinical Trial Alliance), I am aware of more recent developments in global health research and its implications. |
Education | 2006: PhD in Medical Sciences, Institute of Tropical Medicine / University of Antwerp, Faculty of Medicine (Belgium), 2005: Certificate in Epidemiology & Statistics, Université Libre de Bruxelles -School of Public Health (Belgium), 2005: Diploma in Clinical Research, Vienna school of clinical research (Austria) 1998: Diploma of Advanced Studies in Sciences Biological Option: Biochemistry and Microbiology applied, Université de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 1998: Doctorate in Pharmacy (Pharm D), University du Mali, Bamako, Mali |
Experiences | 2017- Ongoing: Regional Director Institute for Health Sciences Research (IRSS) and Head of the Clinical Research Unit of Nanoro, Burkina Faso 2013 – 2014: Scientific Director of Centre Muraz Research Institute, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso 2010-2017: Head of the Clinical Research Unit of Nanoro, Burkina Faso 1998-2001 Research Associate, Centre Muraz, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso 2006-2010: Senior Scientist at the Institute for Health Sciences Research (IRSS), Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso 2002-2006: PhD Fellow, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium 2001-2002 : Research Associate, Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (IRSS), Burkina Faso 1998 – 2001- Research Associate, Centre Muraz, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. 1995 – 1998: Pharmacy internship, Centre Muraz, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso |
Awards / Honors | 2002: Winner of the ”Société de Pathologie Exotique” Young Scientist Award in France 2017: Winner of the Man of the Year by the Pays Newspape in Burkina Faso 2017: Winner of the Longitudinal Prize Discovery Awards by the Chanllenge Prize Center, Nesta, UK 2021: Scientist of the Year 2021 Winner by the International Achievement Research Center, Canada 2021: Winner of the Title of the title of ”The Name in Science” by the Accademic Union Oxford, Uk 2021: Nominated among the African 2021 Game Changers by the newspaper ”Jeune Afrique” in France 2021: Desigated as the Man of the year 2021 by the National Burkina Faso Radio (RTB – Radio) 2021: Designated as the Man of the year by the Newspaper ”Sidwaya” in Burkina Faso 2021: Designated as the Scientist of the Year 2021 by the Newspaper ”l’Observateur Paalga” in Burkina Faso |
Research Grants | Most Recent Major Grants obtained: -2020-2022: Développement pharmaceutique du phytomédicament OPIC destiné à la prise en charge des dermatoses infectieuses bactérienne et fongique, Principal investigateur – 2013-2017: “Activité anti-microbienne de Opilia celttidifolia”Principal investigateur – 2013-2016 : Evaluation clinique et phytochimique d’un phytomédicament traditionnel du Burkina Faso dénommé Saye et préconisé comme antipaludique, Principal investigateur – 2011-2014: “The Biological and Pharmacological Evaluation of African Medicinal Plants for some Chronic Diseases Prevalent in Africa”, Co -investigateur – 2008-2009, “Etude du potentiel antiplasmodial in vivo de Canthium mutliflorum (Thonn) Hiern (Rubiaceae) “, Principal Investigateur – 2004-2008: “Phytochemical studies of plants with antiplasmodial activities”, Principal investigateur – 2004-2005:”Etude Préclinique du <> utilisé dans le traitement du paludisme”, Principal investigateur – 2001-2002: Phase IV <<Efficacité d’une supplémentation en zinc et vitamine A sur l’incidence et la gravité des accès palustres : Essai clinique chez l’enfant de 1 – 6 ans >>, Principal nvestigateur – 2000-2001: “Environmental impact of resettlement of previously highly infected onchocercosis areas biodiversity and socioeconomic problems – suggestions for solution”, Co- investigateur |
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