Hamidou Ilboudo

Current Job Researcher
Personal Statement I am a researcher working in the field of neglected tropical diseases, particularly on human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), examining HAT epidemiology, and the immunological and genetic diversity of host responses to the infection by trypanosomes.
Throughout my career, I have made several substantial contributions to our understanding of HAT. I showed for the first time that the immune response in trypanotolerant individuals is different to that in patients.
This led me to identify biomarkers of disease development versus self-cure: key results in the understanding of host-parasite interactions in HAT.
In order to identify the genetic determinants of susceptibility to trypanosomiasis, I played an active role in the framework of the TrypanoGEN consortium by generating a biobank across HAT endemic countries, sequencing 300 human genomes, which directly contributed to the design of the H3A SNP chip and led to the discovery that APOL1 kidney disease risk variants are associated with protection from T.b. rhodesiense infection and from disease severity for gambiense HAT, supporting the hypothesis that they were selected for in the human population by HAT.
My research work has also contributed to the revision of the dogma that sleeping sickness is not 100% fatal and that a number of infected individuals were apparently capable of controlling infection by trypanosomes, remaining asymptomatic carriers for years or even self-curing. These significant observations that are now included in the WHO guidelines toward the interruption of HAT transmission by 2030.
In parallel to my personal research activities, I am currently involved in several research projects at IRSS-CRUN (CALINA, SMC-RST, DANIDA).
Education 2008-2012: Ph D in Applied Biology and Modeling of Biological Systems, Polytechnic University of
Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina-Faso).
2006-2007: Master of Science (MSc) in medical and veterinary entomology, University of Abomey Calavi (Benin) and University of Montpellier 2 (France).
2004-2005: Master of Science (MSc) in biochemistry-microbiology. University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).
2003-2004: Bachelor in biochemistry,-microbiology Applied, University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).
2002-2003: 2 years university degree in Chemistry-Biology, University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).
2000-2001: Baccalauréat D, scientific section.
Experiences -Since November 2017 : permanent position at the Institut de Recherche en Science de la Santé (IRSS) / Unité de Recherche Clinique de Nanoro (URCN)
-From July 2017 to October 2017: post-doctoral researcher at the “Institut de Recherche pour le Développement” (IRD) based to the Guinea National control program against HAT(Conakry).
-From May 2012 to June 2017: Researcher at the CIRDES
Awards / Honors 1. 2015: travel Award offered by the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) to attend the
congress of the ASTMH, 25 -29, 2015 in Philadelphia, USA.
2. 2015: qualified in a global competition among scientists worldwide to participate in 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, Lindau (Germany) June 28- July 3, 2015.
3. 2006-2007: master Fellowship offered by Institut de Recherche pour Développement (IRD)
4. 2011: PhD fellowship offered by the Embassy of France, Burkina-faso.
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Research Grants Project 1:
Awarding body: DANIDA Fellowship Centre (DFC)
Title: Mitigating climate changes on health in Burkina Faso
Role: SSC
Start and end dates of support: 2021-2025
Project 2:
Awarding body: Expertise France, Initiative 5%
Title: Boosting the impact of seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) through
simultaneous screening and treatment of SMC-Children’s roommates in Burkina Faso
Role: Co investigator
Start and end dates of support: 2021-2023
Project 3:
Awarding body: Wellcome Trust
Title: The genetic determinant of two neglected tropical diseases (human African trypanosomiasis and schistosomiasis)
Role: Collaborator
Start and end dates of support: 2018-2022
Project 4:
Awarding body: European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP).
Title: Diagnostic tools for human African trypanosomiasis elimination and clinical trials (DiTECT)-HAT
Role: Co-PI
Start and end dates of support: 2016-2020
Project 5:
Awarding body: Wellcome Trust
Title: An integrated approach to the identification of genetic determinants of susceptibility to trypanosomiasis
Role: Postdoc
Start and end dates of support: 2014-2018
Project 6 :
Awarding body : Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD).
Title: Epidemiological study of the role of trypanotolerant individuals and domestic animals in maintaining the transmission of T. b. gambiense
Role: Co-PI
Start and end dates of support: 2015-2018
Project 7: Awarding body: West African Economic and Monetary Union.
Title: Epidemiological study of the role of trypanotolerant individuals and domestic animals in maintaining the transmission of T. b. gambiense
Role: Co-PI
Start and end dates of support: 2013-2014
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