FIND-AMR Title Impact of improved diagnostic tools, practices and Training and Communication on acute fever case management and antibiotic prescriptions for children and adolescents presenting at outpatient facilities in …
e-MANIC Title Description Project Title Development and evaluation of an electronic diagnostic algorithm using a combination of a two-step malaria rapid diagnostic test detectingPfHRP2 and pLDH, biomarkers and bacterial pathogen …
ECOP Title Description Project Title Study on Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) system in HDSS sites in Burkina Faso: Completeness of vital events, non-registration associated factors factors, access and …
CHESS STUDY TITLE TYPE OF STUDY FINANCIAL SUPPORT CHESS : Comprehensive Health & Epidemiological Surveillance System Observational INDEPTH Click to rate! [Total: 0 Average: 0]
Mal076 STUDY TITLE TYPE OF STUDY FINANCIAL SUPPORT Mal076: Extension to study Malaria-055 PRI (110021) for evaluation of long-term efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of GSK Biologicals’candidate malaria vaccine (SB257049) in …
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